GAP Eclipse JDT
This plugin enhances the existing JDT experience by adding more feature into it. Some of the features are inspired from other IDEs such as vscode and IntelliJ.
Smart SubType Provider
You can invoke this completions by pressing SHIFT+CTRL+ALT+SPACE
This is a JDT completion contributor which provide suggestions like
- Subtypes for variable assignments for both fields and method parameters.
- Search for static factory methods and constants for both fields and method parameters.
- Suggest enum literals for method parameters (field doesn’t work out of the box in JDT)
Following are screenshots in action
Note : This contributor is bit slow.
Symbol Search (Open Symbol Dialog) This feature will enable you to search for methods and fields in the workspace and to navigate into them.
- Method Recursion Marker This feature will introduce a new marker which will mark any method recursion expressions in java editor